Goats in Indian Trail, NC (near Charlotte) Email: fivepointsfarm55@gmail.com
Breeding schedule 2024
Updated December 2023
We are located in Indian Trail, NC, outside of Charlotte. You may find national transportation in Facebook transport groups, we don’t usually travel out of state.
We strive for hardy, worm resistant goats that milk well and kid easily, while being mindful of the breed standards. I breed for what I like to look at – balanced dairy character, so the does can compete in the show ring, or be a productive member of a home dairy. I love a beautiful goat with a little bling, but I am breeding for more than just lawn ornaments, and we have brought in respectable genetics at great expense to enrich our herd. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to email us or message us on FB.
Five-Points Martha’s Vny (Vinny)Five-Points PL H8des (Pman)bred 7/17/23, confirmed settled. Lovely pliable udder on Vinnie, Panman is small statured, long bodied with great udders behind him. Herd names in this breeding include Rosasharn, NC PromisedLand, Buttin’Heads and Goodwood. Reservations available.
Five-Points Sirius IntrigueTrotting C Farm S IndrikBred September 9, cycled again early october, didn’t settle. Pliable productive udder on Blueberry as well as longevity, health and worm resistance, she’s always been a maintenance free girl. Indrik brings length of body and a beautiful udder on his dam, and small statured parents. Pedigrees include NC PromisedLand, Piddlin Acres, Wooly Dog Down, Gay-Mor, Trotting C Farm and Halls Creek. Both are moonspotted and blue eyed, Indrik is also polled. Reservations available.